
Your Web3 Career

Kickstart your career in the Web3 and Blockchain space. Meet people like you, develop projects and learn.

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Why? Avarage salary is more than $120k

According to research, the average solidity developer salary is $120k and there are more than 40k available positions right now! After this course you will be proficient in Solidity programming language, you will also learn how to develop dapps with React and Solidity.

You will also be able to receive continuous advice and assistance from your instructor. Together we will develop 3 projects in total: NFT project, DeFi dapp and your personal project.

During the course; we will learn Blockchain, EVM, Solidity and React. After last week you will have the chance to meet some of Blockchain and Web3 pioneers and VCs. Maybe a job offer or an investor for your next project.

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Learn The World Of Web3 And Dapp Development In A Comprehensive Way

Meetup Meeting

Meet your classmates and your instructor. In this section, we will talk about your expectations from the course, the projects you want to do and your interests.

Web3 and Blockchain Fundamentals

Learn about the Web3 and Blockchain space. We will talk about the Blockchain and Web3 how they work.


You will learn how EVM works and how to develop dapps with Solidity.


You will learn fundamentals of React, Ethers.jS and more.

Project #1: NFT

You will learn how develop an NFT project from zero.

Project #2: DeFi

You will learn how develop an DeFi project from zero.

Web3 Security

You will learn how to secure your dapps and how to use the security features.

Personal Project

We will help you to develop a personal project you will be able to share with your classmates.

Final Meeting

We will meet again to discuss your project and your experience with the course. In this meeting, you will have the chance to meet some surprise guests and introduce yourself to them.

Our Success


More than 90% of our students found a job after the course.


More than $1.2 million invested in our students projects

We have two teammates graduated from MerkleAcademy, after they explained MerkleAcademy, we contacted MerkleAcademy for in-company training. It was the most productive training we have ever received.

Joe Lubin

CEO and Founder at ConsenSys

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